Dear Blog,
I know I don't often write about the
plight JOYS of being married but I need to warn all of my unmarried friends about what will happen to you once you get married. You're, like, held accountable for, like, everything you do. Everything. (That includes shopping.) Aaron and I have been married for 9 months. Technically there could be a little baby running around now, thank God there is not but that does seem like a long time to be married doesn't it? We don't really ever fight or even have heated discussions, in fact, being married to Aaron is probably the easiest thing I've ever done. But, every once in a while (ed. note: once a month or so) Aaron and I will have a lovely discussion (ed.note: ARGUMENT, RUN!!! RUN!!!) about a few minor but necessary purchases (ed.note: shopping sprees) that I may have.
This past weekend my mom came to town for a beginners yoga workshop at the studio and when she comes we always make a trip to SouthPark Mall. While we were at Nordstrom I found two bags that I HAD TO HAVE. So, I did what I had to do, I bought both. I mean, they are really different. I had a little guilty feeling inside but I just pushed that negative thought aside because I really needed these bags. Cut to the next day. My mom is leaving. Enjoy the following scene:
Alison: "Bye Mom! Love you!"
Aaron: "So, are you going to show me what you bought at the mall?"
Al:"Sure (inner dialogue:F*!K...he's going to kill me)...maybe later"
Aar: "How about now?"
Al: "Okay....I'll go get them.
Alison goes to get her bags and quickly tries to devise a plan about how to explain the purchase of two bags from Nordstrom.
But she can't come up with anything dammit, she's just going to have to come clean. Oh wait, wait, one of the bags can be used to jet-set because we are jet-setters and the other one is just cute. And the jet-setting bag can also be used to ride around on the scooter when I have to carry lots of items...alright, this is getting better and better. Sweet.
Al: "Alright, I bought this shirt that was 50% cute is that? And this hot little number was like 80% off? See how I'm totally a bargain shopper? Aren't you proud of me?
Aar: "Yep, good honey. What's in that Nordstrom bag?"
Al: Well, you see, I needed a bag for the scooter and all of the traveling we do so I bought this
bag And then I saw this cute little
Marc Jacobs number and I bought it too.
Aar: "You did what?!?!? How much did you spend?"
Al to self: Shit...he's not liking my explanations, what next, what next? Steam is coming out of his ears, what do I do?
Al to Aar: Smiles..."Aren't they so cute?"
Aaron: "Why did you buy two?"
Alison: "Duh. One is blue, one is green, one is big, one is little."
Aaron: "Why can't you just spend $30 on a purse?"
Alison: "EGADS, AARON HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND? ARE YOU ASKING ME TO CHANGE? I might have said for 'better or for worse' but I never said 'for real or for fake!!!!!' Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh...I would never ask you to change....waaaaaaaaaah"
We then discussed for the next three hours how we could come to a suitable understanding on the ways our $ is spent, but future wives out there...for the love of God, never buy two bags in one day. Take it from me. After all of that was settled, I had to take a sick day (it was Sunday). I couldn't wrestle up any energy to do anything, not even enjoy my bags! It was terrible. I just watched lots of TLC and drank lots of wine. By the way, Jon and Kate plus 8 is a pretty cute show! I think Jon is way cooler than Kate though.
In non-related news, in order to deal with yours truly, Aaron has started doing yoga! Check out the pics. He's also added some of his own modifications.

Warrior 2
Warrior 2 with beerification


Finally, shavasana...with a Yuengling. Never better!
And together we say, Namaste!!