Dear Blog,
Last night I did a "software update" on my laptop because Aaron told me I needed to do these ever so often (is that a southern phrase?) in order to make my computer run faster and not slow as shit. After 4 years of having this laptop, last night I finally remembered to do it! I'm still working on not saving documents on the desktop. One step at a time people. Is it just me? I always ignore those updates because you have to do the update and then restart your computer and for a person who likes instant gratification, this does not work. Reason #121934875 I need a secretary. Gah.
So, back to the point. One of the software updates was installing the latest version of Safari. I use Safari because I hear Aaron cursing at Internet Explorer all the time. Apparently graphic designers have a hard time getting IE to use the layout that they code. Therefore, internet explorer is so 2000 and late. As is that phrase.
One of the new features of the new Safari is showing you your most frequented web sites. I lol'ed when I saw mine. It further substantiated that I am not that deep. So here they are!!
1. My work email. I gotta make sure everyone is doing their job.
2. Facebook. Cause I'm nosy, fools.
3. Perez Hilton. I'm a little embarrassed by this one.
5. My work's intranet.
6. Gmail. Will someone besides Barney's and All Recipes send me an email?
7. Go Fug Yourself. Because fugly is the new pretty.
8. Twitter. Even though I'm over it.
9. Bank of America. How much money can I spend today?
10. Mate's blog. Since she never calls me back this is the only way I can keep in touch with her. Hint, hint.
11. Dport7. I heart the robots.
If you have a blog and it's not one of my most visited then maybe you should update it more often. I'm just sayin'.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Aloha, betch

Dear Blog,
I'm a little behind on youtube humor, so when two of my coworkers introduced me to the Kelly series, by comedian Liam Kyle Sullivan, I thought it was so hilarious and started sharing with all my friends. Howevs, some people think Kelly is like so two years ago and if you're one of those people, why didn't you share with me? I like to be on the cutting edge of everything! And if you're not one of those people, then here's my fave video;
It's kind of long, has cursing in it, is probably unsafe for work and if you're older than 40...well you probably won't think it's funny. Is that ageism? OH wells.
So, back to the "aloha" part of the title. Well, Aaron was supposed to be in a wedding on July 4th in Charlotte, NC and after the wedding we were going to take our vacation in the Carolina's. The wedding was postponed and we didn't know what we were going to do for our vacay! We still thought about going to Charlotte/Charleston but...we've obvy been there a million times. I was beginning to feel like every time we had a vacation we were running back to the East Coast and that we should do something West Coast style. We threw around L.A, Napa Valley, San Diego, San Fran and Hawaii. Aaron was on the project like a hound dog on a scent. He was all over the internets looking for deals and steals. He presented me with our options and Hawaii was by far the best one! He did one of those package deals where we got our flight, condo and rental car in one fell swoop. It was seamless.
After Aaron purchased the trip, I felt a feeling that I do not feel often. Guilt. I felt guilty that we were going on a fantastic vacation. We're in the middle of a recession, people are struggling to make ends meet and Aaron and I are just going to frolic in Hawaii for a week. While I am ecstatic that we can afford this opportunity, something felt weird. I told Aaron and he just thought I was spending the day in crazy-town. So, I did what any rational girl would do. I called my mom. She was like "Girl, are you crazy? Quit feeling guilty. Y'all work hard." So, I got over it! Good thing I did because we had an effing blast.
I love Hawaii! If you ever get the chance to go, GO. (We stayed on Maui.) It's so beautiful, peaceful, serene, and...beautiful! I really, truly tried to live every moment in the present and soak up every minute we were there. We had the perfect mix of activities for Aaron and relaxation for me. We usually did some sort of activity in the morning and then did the ocean/pool in the afternoon. The weather wasn't too hot, it was in the mid 80's and pretty breezy. I never got too hot and got a great deal of sun. Only downside of the whole trip is that we couldn't take Bella. The upside of the trip was learning how to surf!!
Anyway, how lame is it that this is my first post for July? That sucks. I'm going to crank out some posts on the asap. I have lots of topics on the brain.
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