I don't know if that is actually a saying, but if it's not, it is now. I'm very excited about my new blog and I hope all of my blog fans will enjoy this endeavor with me. So. Let's get down to it. Tonight I feel like blogging about my wedding, but in an effort not to bore my fans on my very first entry I'm going to break it down into some bits and pieces.
I was totally not stressed about the wedding at all. Planning my and Aaron's wedding was just another walk in the park. You probably think I'm joking but I'm really not. Aaron helped out soooooo much, I can't even stress that fact. He had so many awesome ideas that came to fruition and looked great and were fairly easy to execute. My mom's only wish was that this be MY wedding and that Aaron and I were happy. She was not a mom-zilla at all and we didn't fight one time about anything. You're the best Mom...you go girl! BUT. The Friday before the wedding was hmmm..probably one of the worst days of my life. Let's take a look back at the events. Aaron and about 10 of his guy friends went out for his bach bach party the Thursday night before the wedding. I went out with some of my girlfriends for a very lowkey night on the town, cause this girl isn't in to wearing a veil and carrying around a pee-pee. We ended the night early and I went to the airport to pick up my brother. I get home around 12:30 a.m. My key to the house only works on one lock...and the dead bolt can't be locked for me to get into the house. You know where we're going with this. The dead bolt was locked and all of Aaron's friends took his phone away, and I couldn't get a hold of him, or any of his friends...I think I called like 5 of them and no one answered. I just kept calling and calling and when I didn't get an answer the madder I got...I had a feeling I knew where they were, and that made me even more mad. So, now it's like 1:00 and I'm knocking on IDK my BFF Leigh's door with my pup Bella asking for shelter for the night. Leigh's a good Christian girl and so she let a sister in. I think I got to sleep around 4 after all of my rage settled. I had to get up early because my bridesmaid luncheon was the next morning and because of events that were out of my control, we were 45 minutes late to the luncheon that someone so graciously prepared for us. People that know me, know that I'm OCD about time and I hate hate hate being late. So when I say be somewhere at a certain time, be there or be square.
Anywhoodle. I was completely stressed the rest of the day, spontaneously bursting into tears, and apparently "acting spacy". I almost passed out at the rehearsal and you know...bad bad bad. But...I had my good friends and my husband to be able to get me through the rough night. I think you have to have moments like these to make funny stories. Otherwise our wedding planning would be too easy.
Pic below is of my bff's and new bff Gilleon at the rehearsal dinner.
I love your new site...it is so YOU! Your biggest fan.
Alison, best wishes to you and Arron. Your wedding
looked fabulous, I saw the video on dport7. I will
continue to check in on your new blog, I hope you will post a few of your wedding pictures!
who is this second anonymous???
i don't know but i love how they commented already!
And to the 2nd anonymous, I will post some pictures as soon as I get some. I think the photographer is holding them hostage. Thanks for the wishes!
Isn't it fun to say "husband"? I tried on my wedding bands last night with my ring and pretended. Good story to post Mate; however you forgot to tell about everyone TPing the prospector at the front of the church...
wahoo for new blogs!
you was so right for this
i think everyone needs to have a groomsmaid. they is the best. did you notice i wrote about you in my "about" section.
did you just say, "fruition"? who says that?
Who says that? This girl does. F.R.U.I.T.I.O.N.
please make it so i don`t have to sign in to leave a comment..... love the blog.
one of aaron`s assface friends....ian
ian, you don't have to sign in to leave a comment!! notice other people haven't signed in and they've left comments!
ian didn't even sign in. he wrote in as anonymous. did somebody say too much crack pipe???
aaron i wonder about you sometimes.
who you calling aaron?
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