Is anyone else feeling blah this week? If it's just me then I'll feel like a total loser cause I just can't seem to pull it all together. I really think my blah-ness had to do with Britney's "performance" at the VMA's on Sunday night. I wasn't going to bring that up because do we really need to discuss? But, I had to because it was just THAT BAD. THAT BAD. I was so bummed out that she couldn't get her sh*t together and Aaron was all "why do you care?" I DON'T KNOW. I. DON'T. KNOW. I just do alright. Lay off me.
In other news, today is l'onze septembre for those of you who are french speakers and for those of you who aren't, that means September 11th. Addy, six years ago we were in France with the coolest group of kids ever. Anyway, I don't know about mon amie Adelaide but Sept. 11 didn't/doesn't affect me like it does everyone else. I guess because I was thousands of miles away from the U.S and while everyone else was mourning this huge tragedy while me and my french family were chowing down on baguettes and conjugating the passe compose. Don't get me wrong...I understand the enormity of the day and what it means to a lot of people but when people recall that day it will bring tears to their eyes and that just doesn't happen to me. Is that bad? Discuss.
In other, other news, I have an It Girls client!! I have a real bona fide client that I will be shopping for. I love shopping like Britney loves cheetos and Fanta or Amy Winehouse loves heroin...alright bad example. But, I do love me some shopping and a while ago I thought I should try and do some personal shopping in my spare time because SOOOOO many people need it. Well, since my husby is a graphic designer he made me some awesome business cards and a great website, check it out,
I advertised my services in skirt! magazine and what do you know, advertising really works :) I know you're all DYING to know how it goes, I'll keep you posted.
P.S Aaron thinks I don't mention him enough in my blogs so here is a shout out--Hey Aaron....I'm mentioning you in my blog :) I'll put a picture up too.
1. totally understandable that you didn't get caught up in the surge in nationality that followed 9/11. i am sure france was an interesting place to be at the time...
2. wahoo! for first clients! altho i know you've done this hundreds of times already. snicker.
3. i can't belive you married jim halpert.
i meant patriotism. dumba**.
Prof, you're looking good these days!
I feel the same way, girl... I definitely don't have the same reaction as other people do, although now when I watch some of the videos and hear more and more about it, I feel like I probably should have been feeling when it happened-- am i making sense? Anywho... I will always remember sitting at Le Chat qui Pris and getting the news. On another note (kind of)... I can't believe it was 6 years ago that we were there... miss it, especially people like madame deverre and the iron maiden.
Aaron, turn that frown upside down. you were the first person to comment on my crazy cat lady blog, so you're A-OK in my book.
Al, you're well on your way to becoming the next Stacy London. She's that girl you don't like on What Not to Wear BTW. But I think she's funny because she's mean to people. Well, not mean. Just brutally honest...
is that really the guy you married??
Dear Anonymous, in the world of technology it is nearly impossible to remain anonymous. I know who you are...and yes, this is the guy I married.
for the love of laughter and all things holy, please check out Tony Ritz' blog. Either click on his name above or go to
Omigosh I have missed your blog! Not having internet blows. I'll have to figure out a way to check it on my phone like I do for my email.
I was in Spain (as you know) and I also don't really "get" the whole Sept. 11th thing. It was hard to grasp from so far away. The only thing I remember was...omigosh what is that guys name! Anyway annoying guy calling and telling me about it.
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