Dear Blog,
I have a friend, we'll call him Hunter, who always has ghetto song lyrics as his status on Facebook and when I recognize the ghetto song lyric it always makes me laugh. So being that copying is the ultimate form of flattery, I decided I would copy HIM. Currently, my status on facebook is 'Alison is I have a passion for flashin' (ed. note, that is not a typo, for some stupid reason the beginning of a current status always has to be 'Alison is...' UHNNOYING) I chose this lyric as my status because I love flashy things and looking flashy and uh...getting attention.
BUT! The meaning of my status is twofold. Today everyone in the normally peppy office was in a crappy mood and I was like this negative energy has GOT to get out of here. So, I did what I had to do. I did a quick ohmmmm for peace and then I started flashing people. And you know, it was really fun. At first, I flashed our office manager who sits in the front of the office and she spit out her tea because she was laughing so hard. Then, I flashed our editor and she loved it. Then I just stood in the middle of the office and twirled around and showed everyone my Hanky Pankies. And you know what? Everyone was in a good mood after that. So, the lesson here is if you want to lighten the mood a little bit, just flash someone.
In order for this to be funny and not icky, remember to wear underwear. Don't pull a Britney.
you are on crack
also, i recall being flashed by you while leaving Sarrin's reception. the passion is chronic.
I really enjoy the fact that your manager did a spit take.
my bf is insane. but funny. call me back and for some reason it won't let me sign in anymore. ugh
lol maybe I should start flashing people at my office. Somehow I feel like I would receive mixed reviews.
I agree on the facebook status. It should start with Alison...[insert hilarious comments here] so that you can change the verb.
hooray for facebook status no longer requiring IS!
i need some one like you to work for me! everyone here is testy because we are working so hard! sounds like you help everyone get in the mood!
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