Dear Blog,
Even though I LOVE clothes,Love, love, LOVE clothes and use them to expresssssss myself, I canNOT stand packing. I am sitting here at the computer looking at everything under the sun on the internets just to avoid packing. I'm even watching the atrocity of a t.v. show "Celebrity Rehab" just to avoid packing. Could we HAVE a worse tv show? What are we going to exploit next? Are we going to show little crack babies being weened off crack for the first few weeks of their life? Whatever!!! TV execs bring back like Happy Days or something, I think we are craving some good ole fashioned tv.
Now that I'm off that tangent, the reason why I'm even needing to pack is because tomorrow Aaron and I are heading off to God's Country; Colorado. What kind of visual picture did you get when I said "God's country?" I mean, did Colorado come to your mind, or something else? Because literally, I can't stand it when I hear people say "South Carolina is GOD'S COUNTRY" or "Alabama is GOD'S COUNTRY" (Notice how I've only heard people say that about southern states...hmmm) Because do you think God REALLY thinks that ONLY SC or AL is HIS country? I doubt it, people!! I have a feeling that these people who really think where ever they live is God's country, well, they probably suck at life and I don't want to be friends with them. God is love, Rev Run. I hope someone gets that reference besides my husband.
Since this post has been permeated by negativity, I'll end on a positive note. I love my job! I really do. My advice for anyone that's in any sort of a negative position in the workplace, seriously peeps, get a new job! It will make you a much happier person and more pleasant to be around.
Aaron and I will be in Colorado until Sunday. There will possibly be a post and maybe a video from the road. Leave some love peeps cause you know I'll be checking back in as soon as I can.
P.S. In familial news, the house has been sold in Columbia! At the beginning of May, my sweet lil Momma will be joining my sweet lil Poppa up in New York. She will officially be a damn yankee. (My dad was already one.)
Al~ I love the pic! Y'all are adorable. Glad you are having fun in "God's Country"!
um duh, runnnnnnnn's hoooooouse!
you knew your ibff would understand.
aaron is all bundled up and you're there bearing your belly.
something ain't right in that photo.
'God is love, Rev Run.'
who's house
run's house
yo parents sold a house
now they movin' to my house
Yo! You're right about the job - but, I def. think the joy comes in quitting the old job... not the new one - it's still work.
Anyways - you and ron are travelers and i'm jealous
who's house
run's house
yo parents sold a house
now they movin' to my house
Yo! You're right about the job - but, I def. think the joy comes in quitting the old job... not the new one - it's still work.
Anyways - you and ron are travelers and i'm jealous
Just FYI people, that picture is from last year and I have no idea what happened to that sweater...maybe i threw it away because it was bearing the belly.
Also, I'm so glad that so many people got my reference to Run's House!!!
Sometimes Aaron likes to say "Who's house? RON'S house!" and it cracks me up everytime.
spu i liked your poem!
look out ny! here comes mooma!!
I am touched and deeply satisfied that there are other cool people in the world that appreciate the great Rev Run.
What's up with the folks being yankees now??!! Sad...
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