A blessing and a curse, doesn't that seem to be so fitting an adjective for New York City? Continuing our jet-setting life style, last weekend Aaron and I hit up the Big Apple. In true Aaron and Alison fashion, we got in on a Friday night and left on Sunday night. I liken trips to New York like taking a shot of cheap tequila, strong, fast and gets the job done quick. There was a point in my life when I thought I could live in NY but I gotta give props to my NY peeps, I don't know how y'all do it. I gotta have my personal space and I would prefer not to be tempted every other day with something outrageously expensive, because I know myself. If I want it, I'ma buy it. I can rationalize everything. Don't tempt me.
So. This trip to NYC was especially funny because now Poppa Williams is living up there. After coordinating train schedules, synchronizing watches, several phone calls, texts on the blackberries reading "We're leaving!" "The train is slow!" "Why is this 3 year old trying to lift up my dress?" "The person beside me smells! Eeeeewww!!!" and finally, "I'm here!" Aaron, myself, Spurgeon and Poppa Dubs met up at Grand Central Station for some crazy wild times in Neeeeeeeeeew YORK Ceety! Spurgeon was right on point and had a place for us to eat brunch and so off we went. My dad and Spurgeon are rather loud individuals and when you pair that up with the fact that they look like this;

With one decked out in Clemson Tiger Sports Network gear and the other wearing traditional Indian gear, well, we got a lot of looks. But, it was so fun! We all had a great lunch, had a lot of laughs with my Dad regaling us with tales of calling people "WHACK" and walking around in Union Square. We then bid au revoir to Poppa Dubs and decided to get down to the nitty gritty. Shopping in SoHo. Now, you may remember that Aaron and I got into a little bit of a tussle about my previous shopping trip and so I didn't know what to expect this go 'round. Since Aaron was with me how was I going to follow my usual motto of; just ask for forgiveness, NOT permission. I guess I'm just gonna have to ask permission. And guess what folks? That little plan worked. I got a pair of KICK ASS Alexis Bittar earrings from the fabulous store in SoHo and probably the dopest trench coat EVER MADE PEOPLE! I'm talking it is so great that I get goose bumps just thinking about it. I still can't believe it's mine. I did have to spend some of my Christian Louboutin savings fund for the coat, but it was so worth it. I got to wear it the other day and I have to say, I was already begging for the next rainy day. I might post some pics, we'll see. My trip was totally made after buying the coat with some of my fave peeps, Paul, Kate, Spurgeon, Gilleon and the one and only Aaron encouraging me to just buy the damn thing.
I think I forgot everything else that happened after that because I was in a state of pure nirvana after my shopping experience.
All in all, thanks to Paul, Kate, Spurgeon and Gilleon for making this trip so fun that I was in a state of mild depression when I got home. Sigh.

Caption: Aaron is high on life. Alison is high on trench coats. Random dude in the back is just plain high.
booo tigers.
yay shopping!
can't wait to see this damn trenchcoat i've heard so much about.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Celulite, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://eliminando-a-celulite.blogspot.com. A hug.
turn on the spam blocker dood
waaaah, how do i do that? i hate some spam!
Why isn't it called "balogna" blocker?
spamadity spam spammerton.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the fabulosity that is spu, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://spuisferoshandbroke. A Hug.
(please note, no blog really exists, but you still love the spu, because the spu is loveable in all his spuness. oooh...i like, that. from now on, please refer to me as "his spuness.")
hahahahahahahahahaha. i'd rather just call you spum.
oh i believed the spam guy until i realized he was a spam guy. i was like, "wow alison has all kinds of random people reading her blog, she's so cool. oh wait its just a spam guy."
yay clemson tiger sports network!
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