Dear Blog,
As the title suggests, let's be honest here. Didn't we all think that at one point or another I would wreck the Vespa? I mean, if it was going to happen, wouldn't it be better to do it sooner rather than later? I think so. Alright, so if you put your context clues together then you will concur that I indeed wrecked the Vespa yesterday. The following is a true recount of what had happened.I go to the grocery store to get some chicken for dinner. I'm riding home and a guy in an Acura I believe, cuts me off. So, I overcompensate by swerving and braking extremely hard. Well, wouldn't you know that I just flipped right over and skid a few feet? After I come to a stop I just sit in the middle of the road like hmmm...did that just happen? I then check to make sure that my sunglasses and new top are still in tact. They are. Some nice gentleman comes to my aide and helps me over to the side of the road. As luck would have it a fireman was right behind me and saw everything that happened and came over and started asking all of the appropriate questions. This is all I would say;

"What I need you to do is call my husband. I need you to call my husband. Call Aaron. Can someone call my husband? Please someone call Aaron."
Finally, someone called Aaron. He came a runnin'. Literally. About 10 minutes later I see Aaron sprinting to the wreck site.
"Hey honey, I wrecked the Vespa."
"I see that, are you alright?"
"I think so."
At first I refuse medical treatment cause I hate hospitals, etc. But, then I couldn't walk on my leg so they load me up in the ambulance and away we go. The medic with me was super cool and she helped me calm down. Once we got to the emergency room she had to leave me and I started crying. She just told me to breathe like I do in yoga and I would be alright. She was right! Aaron had to deal with the cops and then he came to be by my side at the hospital.
Alright, so the emergency room is ghett-o. I was not a fan. My room was all gross and had like cheeto's on the floor. Uh-uh. Someone better get that up. So, props to my boy Chris Restrepo for being a doc. Holla. Anyway, back to me. The doctor was like trying to send me home without triple checking that my knee was okay. So we got in a little fight. I was all "LISTEN HERE DOC. My knee hurts. The only reason I even CAME here is because I was seriously worried that my knee was messed up. I am not exaggerating. I want you to check and then double check and then TRIPLE CHECK that my knee is okay."
So, we did three x-rays. And guess who was right? That damn doctor. Ain't nothing wrong with my knee. It just hurts cause I don't know...I got in a wreck?!?
We stayed in the hospital until about 10:30 and then I came home and had to get in the tub to clean out my wounds. I think that was the most pain I've ever experienced. That was the first time I really cried. I just sat in the tub and cried and cried.
Then I ate a pb&j and went to sleeeeeep.
So, it's all good. I'm a little banged up but I'm going to heal. Will I ride the Vespa again? Prolly.
The end.
I am soo glad you are ok! Get back on that horse (but only if you want to:)
Let's thank our man Jesus that it wasn't any worse than that! Hope you're all healed up and feeling better soon!!!
I am so glad that you are ok! But you handled it like a champ, props to you.
I am so glad that you are ok! But you handled it like a champ, props to you.
Aw poor you! Glad to hear that you are okay, but that sounds like it was scary! It put a bit of a damper on my vespa envy.
That really stinks hoochie momma, especially since I bought a scooter today. I am glad that you are ok, but please do not tell my mom or my wife about your experience. I know that you never see either or them, but just in case.
Al - I'm so sorry!!! But I'm glad you're A-OK (and your sunglasses are, too) :)
boo! no more wrecks on the Vespa.
while you're laid up in bed check out my blog! i did a little sprucing up.
i think the vespa wreck was just a cheap ratings ploy.
you did it all for the comments, didn't you?
No pics?!
Holla! I will make sure I start triple checkin all them kiddies.
omg! ew.
damn, it even messed up your pedi!
hospital gown is hotttt
"Ain't nothing wrong with my knee. It just hurts cause I don't know...I got in a wreck?!? "
I was gonna make a comment about this teaching you to never leave the house with busted toes (Gilly agrees - yes, we both noticed - yes, we're both b's)...but crist beat me to it! glad you're recovring nicely...if you need a skin graft, I will gladly donate some so you can black on the inside and out...
i didn't leave the house with busted toes, they got busted because i got in a wreck.
and i've seen your skin and i think i'll pass on that donation. thanks anyway.
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