Dear Blog,
I can't believe I just used a phrase from a country song in my blog title, I abhor country music--it's terrible, but I couldn't think of another phrase about friends. I've been thinking a lot about friends lately. What it means to be a friend, having a lot of friends, having a BEST friend, having no friends. I think I have a lot of quality friends and then some not so quality friends that I keep around because they are just fun to be around and then I get my feelings hurt when they act selfishly. I think the reason I've been thinking so much about my friends is because in about a month Aaron and I are taking a big adventure. Much like Oprah and Gayle's big adventure, we are heading cross country. Unlike Oprah and Gayle's big adventure we're not just taking a trip we're moving to God's country (heehee) Seattle, WA.
Let the shock sink in. Yep, ole' Ronny boy and I are moving to Seeeeeeeee-attle. We've always thought that the West was a place we would like to live and if you'll remember Seattle is where Aaron professed his undying love for me, shouted from the top of Mount Ranier that he wanted marry me and yeah, basically that's where we got engaged. Plus, there is tons of coffee there. That is a huge reason in and of itself. Screw the folks who recount the negatives of coffee. Coffee is a gift from God. A little ground up bean with some hot water never tasted soooooooo good.
Anyway, one of my main worries is that I won't find friends out there like I have here. And that my friends here are going to forget about me and find another funny, fabulous, fashionista to be their friend. Humph. I'm already getting jealous of my old friends friendship with this new awesome yet made up friend. I'm totally going to be so mean when I come back to visit and I meet this new friend. I hate her already.
After having re-read this post, I'm surprised I have any friends at all.
I'm glad you have a blog so we can hear your fab stories about Seattle. Do you both have jobs? A house?
I have moved to 3 different states in the last 5 years, and I will admit that making friends in a new place is way hard. It's not like college. But I've also learned that my current friends are pretty awesome and we keep up anyway. I heard a stat once that said it takes couples about 3 years to really feel settled and home in a new place. You'll probably bump into someone who loves coffee and yoga as much as you do eventually! And then you've got to convince your new friend to like not only you, but your dear Aaron as well!
I am happy for you.....
if you are so happy then why the boohoo?
that's what I'm sayin' prof. Dayum.
Yay you're moving! Not yay because you'll be gone, but yay because this has been in the works for a long time. Don't worry about making friends, just walk up to any Seattle person and strike up a conversation about coffee. Bam - instant connection. They're all obsessed with coffee too.
blog already, geez.
love that miles is on the computer already.
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