Dear Blog,
Well, here I am. Sitting in my hotel room in Seattle watching E! on television as I blog. I'm pretty exhausted right now but I just wanted to check in and let everyone know that I'm here safe and sound. I'm not gonna lie folks, Monday was seriously hard. Knowing that I was traversing the country with a one way ticket out there was damn right scary. I kept thinking about am I getting back to the airport to go home? OHHHHH, that's right. I'm not. I'm like, out here. For good. I had a couple panic attack moments and tears were shed as I was sitting in the airport alone but then I was like, THIS SUCKS. I am not going to be that girl who can't move more than 100 miles from her home. I'm out here now and I'm gonna rock it. So, as soon as I made that my mindset I've been rocking it.
I LOVE my job. I love the people I work with and they love me and we're just in love. No really, everyone that meets me gives me a huge hug, knows my bio and then we skip off into the Seattle sunset. Alright, well not that last part but the other two parts are true. Right now, working is the best part of my day because I spend the rest of the day alone. And we know how much I loooooooooove that.
BTW, the sun has been out and the temp hasn't gotten out of the 70's, it's been beautiful. How's the weather been in NC/SC?
That's my girl!
I'm proud of you too! I think it will be such a great experience for you. I'm kinda jealous.
remember when we were sitting in the atlanta airport bawling our eyes out before france? haha. i know it's tough to move so far away, but i know y'all will love it out there. I'm just sad you moved when i finally moved closer! now i'll have to come see you out there... Good luck with everything.
Wooo! Exciting times for you Alison! I'm glad you've made it safely. Lucky you with the weather it seems.
Also, I have a friend and fellow Charlottean there in town. Let me know if you want her contact info. She's nothing like you and you'd love her. You can reminisce about Penguin friend pickles and expensive purses from Nordstrom.
Way to go, Alison! Sounds like you are doing great out West. Don't loose your accent :)
thanks for all of the inspiring comments everyone :) much love from the west COAST (said in true gangsta style)
Yeah, you're gonna rock it. Mais oui! You are living to the fullest. It's brave and good and I am excited for you!
I can not believe you are already gone! :( You need to send me your personal email address. GOOD LUCK!
I had no doubt that you would find love on the west COAST (also said gangsta style).
Glad all is going well!!!!!!
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