Dear Blog,
I thought maybe blogging was a thing of the past since my blog friends, dport7 and jCristg had taken a hiatus from blogging that maybe I didn't need to blog either...but it turns out that blogging is in fact still the "cool" thing to do and since these two are my blogging idols, I will return to blogging as well.
Alright, so all of the above was a bunch of shit I just made up but wanted to call them out for not blogging on a regular basis. The fact of the matter is, the store is open baby!!!! Man, I can't believe I've been in Seattle for 4 months already!! Time flies when you work all of the time, try to navigate a new city and buy a house. I don't even know if my old friends from NC would recognize me, I've truly let myself go. I haven't gotten a pedicure or a manicure in the four months I've been here, I don't even paint my nails anymore and let's not even talk about my eyebrows. Yikes!! I think someone needs to stage a Bahama-vention because I just don't know how long I can go on like this. I have a reputation to maintain. Although, all these granola types wouldn't even know the difference.
But, at least I can say that all of this self carelessness has not occurred in vain. The past 4 months I have been scouring Seattle high and low looking for the perfect people to help me open my store. I found them all and trained them and can honestly say I have the best team in Seattle. We have a blast together and they make me laugh and I think I make them laugh, or they're just laughing at me and I don't know the difference.
Back to the opening, we had a great weekend. Our store is absolutely beautiful and we did a great amount of business our opening weekend. I was thrilled and have to admit to tears of joy when the doors opened on Friday morning. It was like seeing the fruits of your labor right before your very eyes. I can honestly say I've never put so much effort and hard work into a job before because I never really cared and I can say with full force that I love my job and I can see myself here for a while. (Let's hope my bosses are thinking the same thing!) I stay up at night thinking of ideas to get our business up, or how we can get out in the community and it doesn't bother me at all. I actually enjoy it.

As for the house, well we are fully moved into the den, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. The office and guest bedroom still need to be unpacked and we'll get to those soon. We went to Home Depot for about an hour on Sunday (wooo hooo) to pick out some paint colors and get the supplies to paint some of the rooms. We're going to paint the den, kitchen and our bedroom ourselves y'all! Can't wait!! I'm totally being sarcastic, I can think of a million other way I would rather spend my free time rather than painting....like get a manicure and pedicure...but I will be happy when our house isn't one boring shade of vanilla.
That's all for now folks!
I cannot believe you've been gone 4 months already! Your store looks GREAT! I love the color. I'm just online to send my folk my new flight info for coming home from Tokyo and there are come crazy mo fos sitting on the sofa inthis hostel watching Lost in Translation talking about Tokyo on TV.
I mean --COME ON-- Tokyo is right outside this building and they are watching it on tv?
Anyway, these idiots aside, you look great! Have fun in Seattle!
Your dad said "at least she didn't hire any ugly people" after looking at all the pictures. You and the store look great! I am so happy for you!
I am (sort of) blogging again, thankyouverymuch!
Anyway, SO PROUD OF YOU. For so many reasons.
Alison! I'm so jealous! (in a positive, how exciting and fun and accomplished you are sort of way!) I love the idea of getting to build your own team and your own store in a new place!
Faris and Eliza Faris miss y'all, she's getting so big you wouldn't believe it! A few weeks ago it was like EF woke up or something, and noticed us all, it is awesome. I'm frightened of babies before they are 4 months old, but I think 6 months is the cutest, you know, before they can talk and pull things off shelves.
So glad everything is going well! Keep blogging, I love it!
Mate, I am so super proud of you! The fruits of your labor!! It's an amazing feeling to have a job that you are truly passionate about. You got me thinking about teaching and how much I would get into it...and think of new ideas when I should have been sleeping at night. That's a good sign, mate! Keep the updates coming. I'm glad that it went off without a hitch!
Girl, please go take yourself to a salon, asap. Don't let the crunchy folks convince you otherwise.
P.S. Congrats on your store!!! It's so good to hear how excited you are about your job. Miss you!
Yay for updates and pics!! Love the store...it looks so good!!
You're awesome-- great job!
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