What is it about a haircut that makes me so happy? I don't know why, I don't know how and I don't know where but it's something I look forward to every 6-8 weeks. Anyway, I got my hair cut and colored today and I feel like a whole new woman. The blonde bee is back! I don't have many pics to share but I cut all of my hair off in December a la Victoria Beckham and I rocked the short, short hair for a bit but I felt my facial features were a tad too strong for the short hair so I decided to give it a little bit of length and take it back to my natural* color blonde. Here's a short hair pic of me and Kris tradin' swigs o' whiskey. To answer a couple of questions that I'm sure have arisen upon seeing this picture: a.) I'm not jeepin' on Aaron, Kris is Aaron's bff and Aaron took this picture. b.) I don't even like whiskey, I just wanted to drink it c.) I barfed until about 6 pm the next day d.) I'm never drinking whiskey again.
In a couple of months, this is my vision for my hair: a sleek, simple, blond bob. We'll see, a lot can happen between now and then. Anyway, I've always had a special bond with the person that cuts my hair. In Columbia, I went to the same stylist from the age of 5 to 25. For real! I invited the woman to my wedding. Once I was in Charlotte a couple of years and I was tired of driving to Columbia for a haircut and Brenda was getting a little long in the tooth, I took a risk on a woman named Misti at T. Reid on East Blvd and fell in love with her! She did my hair for my wedding, dyed it brown, dyed it back to blonde, toyed with putting in hair extensions, gossiped with me, etc. We had a tearful goodbye when I moved to Seattle. Upon being in Seattle I've gone to three stylists and I've finally settled on one but I just haven't forged that bond. I'm working on it though, I'm not giving up! Am I being ridiculous or do you get what I'm saying? There's just something special about the time spent in the chair while a stylist is shaping your hair!
Gripe pertaining to yoga: Make sure your feet don't smell. That's all I'm going to say about that.
That's it for tonight folks!
*I was born blonde, it's not my fault it slowly turned brown.
1 comment:
You are so pretty. Glad you got sick on the whiskey:-} xo
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