Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Alright, alright

Most of blog world figured out that I didn't really adopt a child. I just thought it would be mildly entertaining to get a reaction. I apologize if I dashed anyone's hopes of coming to visit our newly adopted child, but Aaron and I are not anywhere near ready for little Alisons and Aarons. Besides, we have the best dog in the world and she's enough to handle.

Anywhoodle, I have a VERRRRRY interesting story to share with Bella French readers but I can't just yet. It'll probably have to wait until we get it all figured out...maybe next week. But get excited, this is some Nancy Drew kind of shizzle.


p.s. The next post will contain some wedding pictures, yay!


Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait for the interesting mystery story!

Ok, so who does Gabby really call mom and dad?

I will keep watching for the wedding pictures!

Anonymous said...

OH, duh, I guess I should have introduced Gabby. Her momma is my friend Tiffany. She was supposed to be in the wedding but then she got pregnant and had to step down from her duties.

Drew said...

Al you are really good at the whole cliffhanger thing. Way to keep 'em coming back...

Connor Family Blog said...

It's true...what's the beef, mate?

Anonymous said...

yeah... the beef.