Thursday, June 7, 2007


I changed my name. I'm no longer Alison French Williams. I'm now Alison Williams Shurts. Sooooo weird. I'm trying to get used to saying it, so far still sounding foreign to the tongue and ear. One of my friends said after they got married they waited an entire year to officially change their name but they still told people their new name. I think that is whack attack. Up until today I was introducing myself as Alison Williams because legally that was my name and I always abide by the law. I was a little reluctant to change my name and thought about doing the whole hyphenated thing but then I just thought that would be mean to our kids to have a super long last name. Those little scantrons only hold so many letters. Sigh.



Anonymous said...

i have students who have hypehnated names. i hate it because i can never figure out what thier names are. yeah, im kinda dumb.

Anonymous said...

You are dumb, you married ALISON!!!

Anonymous said...

oops, typo, I meant, You AREN'T dumb, you married ALISON....sorry, should have proofed.

Anonymous said...

maybe he is dumb...let's be honest here. i can take a hint.

Anonymous said...

ok freud.

Anonymous said...

I was just wondering is Arron going to wrap up the
wedding blog with a some final words about the day and maybe post some pictures.

I will keep checking!

Anonymous said...

haha, anon! nice hint :) We will be getting the pictures from the photographers on Sunday, so possibly some pictures will be posted asap.