Saturday, July 12, 2008

Techin' out

Dear Blog,

I most definitely do NOT consider myself a nerd, I mean seriously. I do not think I could even pretend to be a nerd. But, this week I've enjoyed two very nerdy things. First off, I had a surprise in the mail on Thursday! The front desk called me and said I had a package! As I made my way to the lobby I was like hmmm...what could it be? Lo and behold, Aaron bought me an iSight for my laptop! Although, due to some technical difficulties Aaron and I were unable to talk. BUT, we were able to hook it up so that Leigh and I could video chat!!! Yay I was so excited to see my bff:). So, if anyone has a MacBook with iSight then please holler at your girl because that is my new Fave.

Next on the list of geekiness is the new iPhone! Oh wait you didn't hear? Yes, the newiphone has arrived. I imagined that I could just breeze into the apple store and get myself hooked up. I had no idea that peeps would me spending the night outside of the store!!! That is insane and kind of dorky...sorry to all dorks out there. So anyway, the following day the lines were looking smaller and so I braved the line. Lucky for me, I only had to wait an hour! It was so simple! Only an hour and I was in tekky heaven! Seriously everyone needs to get one because they are awesome! I think I'm in love! I'm actually blogging on it right now.

Right now I'm in vancouver and I think I like it, not sure yet. I will fill you in as the week progresses.



Anonymous said...

This is the DAY that my journey begins........

Anonymous said...

wow you are seriously good at typing on that thing already. my fingers are too fat!

Anonymous said...

Yo maters! Are Ron and Moo there yet? Have you scouted out a sweet pad for the Shurts? Do you have my room ready yet? Haha.