Dear Blog,
Once again waiting for the inspiration to hit before the big blog. Well today it hit and almost bowled me over and I was like, okay, okay, I'll blog dammit. Soooo...I think all of BellaFrench readers know that 7-7-07 was not only a momentous occasion because that day only occurs every 1,825,001,756,496 days, but even more so because my mate got married!!! Holla!!! It was really a great weekend, I had so much fun and loved getting dressed up in my bright blue dress and watching my little matey walk down the aisle. She looked so beautiful and radiant just as every bride should and I was oh so proud to be her mate-ron of honor. (get it?? mate-ron of honor...oh whatever). On Friday night, obvy, we had the rehearsal and then the rehearsal dinner. I thought the rehearsal went relatively smoothly considering Faris and Cay-Cay each had 22 bridesmaids and groomsmen, respectively. Faris' church wedding directors were shockingly nice and I say shockingly because I've been scarred by Mrytle and Flyrtle. If you don't know, that's a whoooole 'nother blog. At the rehearsal dinner we had to say a toast and I think I did the half stand like 15 times because everytime I was getting ready to say something one of Cay's friends would stand up but finally I got to stand up and say something and shockingly (or not) I got choked up in the middle of the toast, but Rita said I managed to spurt a few touching words and made both her and Mate get a little teary. That's what it's all about folks, making people cry. Speaking of crying, did anyone notice the matron of honor bawling up at the front of the church? And when I say matron of honor, I mean me. (Can you tell I like having an important role?) I didn't have any tissues because I thought to myself, "I've got this, no need for tissues." That's what I get for assuming, that I've "got" anything. I will always need tissues because I cry at commercials, much less my best friends wedding. Geez Louise. Since, I've been married all of 6 weeks I will bestow some mate-ly advice upon the married couple.
Wait, who am I kidding. I have no advice so just look at this pretty picture of us instead.
P.S. No, Dad, I will not change my signature hand on the hip, head tilted to the side. I'm working it, it works for me. I'm keeping it.
that lady in the back has a creepy eyeball.
um, first of all, no she doesn't. second of all, i am the moderator of this blog and I will NOT allow you to make comments if they continue to degrade poor Faris' aunt weird eye courtesy of a funky camera angle in this fashion.
her aunts name is weird eye? i kinda like that. is her brother weird al?
I am sooo proud of you!
I know Anon! I'm proud of us too, we look smokin' hot!
Mate!!! Thank you so much for the awesome blog!!!! Cay and I are sitting at the Gulf County Public libry checkin' out our pics and I took a little look-look at the blog and found such a wonderful surprise. You're the best!!! Yippeee! It's true...seeing a mate get married makes a girl cry because I was queen cryer at yours. Can't wait to chitty chat when I get back. LOVE TO MY MATE!!
isnt that what friends are supposed to do?
Thanks Al for making me look like a bad friend for not blogging about the wedding first!
JK. Good blog! I'm making a resolution to blog more from now on. Starting tomorrow.
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