Dear Blog,
How often do you get to spend the weekend with your husband, mom, dad, grand father, grandmommy to be and a Volvo for an extended period of time? When your 77 year old grandfather gets remarried that's when!! And when he decides to get married in his hometown of Cumberland, Maryland!! (That's about a 7 hour trek including stops, etc from Charlotte, North Carolina). Here's how the non-stop PARTAY went down. Friday morning, Mumsy and Pere picked up Aaron and I from our Charlotte abode and we all happily piled in the family wagon. About 6 stops, several thousand calories and 8 hours later we arrived in Grantsville, Maryland. Since Grantsville is in the mountains it was only like 63.8 degrees when we got there, it felt great!! Larry Sprinkle could have warned us about the drastic temperature change, but we didn't hold that against him, we were having too great of time in the MD. I got to meet my new aunties and cousins, ate LOTS of food, laughed a lot with my parents and hubby, learned what a salt peter is, drove a lot, saw lots of Menonites, posed inappropriately with a statue, judged some of the Maryland people harshly, got yelled at by my dad, saw where my grand pap grew up and my parents honeymoon cottage.
Oh yeah, and saw Pops get married!!! I'm so happy for Pops and Grandmommy Ruth and I say that in all honesty and admiration. I thought I would only see Pops commit to never going again to Haywood Mall, to singing loudly at church, and always telling me about what prescriptions he's taking and how much they cost. What a lovely day to see him make a commitment to love and cherish my new Grandmommy. Cheers to the happy couple!!
i was all excited about a comment and it was just blog spam. booooo
short shorts one weekend, old peeps the next. what does next weekend hold for the shurts?! we wait with bated breath.
boo to blog spam. Yay for old people's weddings! Your Pops is so cute! But not as cute as GP!
next weekend will be filled with grass cutting, weed whacking and jello shots
These pictures are the funniest you have ever put on a blog. I cannot stop laughing at the innappropriate pictra with the statue...ahahahahaha! And your dad's FACE in the church. Such a ___ eating grin if I've ever seen one, excuse my language. Oh I love Don!! This blog entry is my favorite so far...I felt like I was actually there with you.
thanks mate! i was starting to get depressed about not that many comments...i smiled when i saw yours!
i think the horse looks a little jealous in that picture.
Ha! You and the rocking horse, I get the headline now.
i was talking about the horse in the other pic but i guess that one works too.
New blog is up. It's a little rushed, but I think I said what I wanted.
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