Dear Blog,
I always thought I should be famous and now I'm even more convinced. The jet setting life totally suits me. This Friday after work Aaron and I hopped on a plane and flew to see our friends Ian, Paul and Kate for the 56th Annual Short Shorts party. All I have to say is, this girl has still got it. You see, I was starting to think I was getting a little bit long in the tooth, if you know what I mean. And if you don't know what I mean, I mean old. The reason why is because the thought of going out to a bar, yelling my order at the bartender, pretending to have meaningful conversations over blaring music and feeling like shit the next day just doesn't appeal to me. I make it sound so much fun don't I? Even though I would rather play Scrabble on a Friday night than go out, it made me sad that I was getting old. So...with all this being said, I was a little apprehensive to make the trip and be at the disposal of Aaron's friends from college and this balls out (literally) party.
HAHA, I think I'm just under stimulated in the South, specifically the Charlotte, North Carolina going out scene. I'll have to say I was the life of the party. Well, I was the life of the party in my own mind and really, that's all the counts. The fun, crazy, say anything and make sure you slur saying it Alison came out. AND what makes it even better is that I was wearing a green, terry cloth, onesie. Ohhhh yes blog readers...and yellow patent leather flats. Straight seventies. Why was I wearing that you ask? Duh. Because it was the SHORT SHORTS party. Our friends have come up with ingenius idea of making people look ridiculous by wearing ridiculously short shorts in preferably the most ridiculous colors and basically get...well...ridiculous. Of course, some people, Kate Rybicki, managed to look completely great in her short shorts outfit, most people just looked silly. Aaron, Paul, Brian...everyone.
A great time was had, lots of laughs, lots of drinks and a lot of great dance moves and lots of bruises were shared. I kept running into that damn pipe that was so wrongly placed by the picnic table. Looking forward to next year.
Since the south is a good 10 years behind all other parts of the US, well except the Mid West, they're behind us, the short shorts party will not be making it down here. Aaron and I are afraid of what southerners would do if they were told they couldn't wear their Lacoste, seer suckers and croakies to a party. Just wait 'til we move though (don't freak out no plans yet)'s on til the break of dawn.
"onesie"...vocab addition.
but i will say, visiting spurge, i got hit on in the subway by a girl in a green onesie with yellow shoes. yours was hotter.
raise hell yo mama did
could you mention the sponsor just once please.
hey not all southerners wear Lacoste! I happen to be very anti-frat guy. Although I do own pearls. And a recipie for pineapple casserole.
Alison, I'll have you know the short shorts party was birthed in the heart of the Midwest in ought three by yours truly. I will not tolerate you bashing the Midwest in saying that we're behind the South. Come to Chicago with Aaron and we will measure our cities fun-osity.
Go figure that the 3 coolest people at the party were all from the fabulous buckeye state.
Holla back!
It's true. Fun, crazy people who aren't afraid to have a good time (no matter the theme) can be found anywhere! Even in Charlotte, N.C. Need I remind you of a certain couple who threw a slip-n-slide party?
Carry on!
Prof be speaking truth bout the Buckeye State. Yo, I be straight 419 fo' life-straight bangin' that is. Shoot! Prof. you and the lass need to come up here, we can indulge ourselves in delicious foodstuffs far too rich or amazing for Diehlport's weak constitution.
hahahaha this is true mang. i needa triple scoop hot fudge sunday from ghiradelli. word up!
tony don't know what's crackn what what.........a dick
I said what I say I said. Careful Diehlport, Caaaareful.
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