Dear Blog,
I meant to look up the origins of Labor Day and why we have it off but I got sidetracked on Perez Hilton listening to Brit Brit's new single that just dropped, (which is OKAY but I'm not running out to buy it anytime soon. Does anyone miss vintage Britney?? Sigh...) But, if anyone out there knows why we have Labor Day then feel free to write in. Actually, this seems like a good job for Tony Ritz because he likes to do random stuff like this and I haven't heard from him on the blog in a while.
Aaron and I had big plans for the holiday, like fly to Vegas or Palm Springs and just live it up. But slowly, ever so slowly....reality checked in and our trip got downsized, BUT we are still taking a trip! We're going to Wilmington for the weekend and staying in a cute Bed and Breakfast! I'm excited, and I'll have my laptop with me so if any of you know of anything we HAVE to do in Wilmington, just write in and we'll do it.
While many of you will be at some sort of football game this weekend, think of me and Aaron chillaxin' on the beach.
Happy Labor Day!!