Dear Blog,
Really, I'm so excited about today!! Keep in mind that what I'm about to say is of no relevance to the world as it is today, Bush is still in office, our climates are still inching slowly upward and we're fighting an obesity epidemic, but really who cares about all of that when The Hills Season Premier is on tonight!?! LIKE O.M.G...I'm excited. Really, I am. I know that some of you are inwardly cringing (DAD) about a relatively intelligent female such as myself getting excited about a totally fake reality show but oh well, I never claimed to be deep. I love me some Lauren and cannot STAND Spencer. I wish he would choke on a piece of pizza crust and not die but damage his vocal chords so I wouldn't have to hear his annoying voice anymore. Blah. So, be there or be square all you Hills lovers and haters alike tonight at 10 pm on MTV, it's bound to be one big catfight and we all love a catfight, especially when we're not involved and they're just on tv with little socialite 21 year olds.
hulk hogan loves the hills.
That's funny prof. I myself have been enthralled with the reruns; but I must admit that the Hills is not NEARLY as entertaining as Laguna Beach once was. What can I say? I prefer high school drama? I don't know.
sweet......... my answer is get out of my car.
Al, I'm with Paul on this one. See one of my first blogs with Drew's Top 10 Pet Peeves...
drew... get a clue.
that rizzzzzymed.
yeah..sorry Drew but Paul was quoting Spencer...that means he's a FAN.
was it possible for me to adore you even more Alison? Apparently.
I so love me some LB season 1 & 2, and anything The Hills. And now that LC is 21, she can stop carrying around red dixie cups!
i want spencer to shave. and shut up. but not necessarily in that order.
yay for another Hills fan and a comment from Warren Not G. I thought you had stopped reading the blog! Yeah, the red solo cup reminded me of the Furman days. hahaha.
Also hates high school drama.
Alison, none of this jazz makes any sense. Can you please get back to writing about geriatrics eloping?
tone toni tony, I told you I was grasping for straws with this post and to give me some suggestions and you didn't PERFORM. so. please.
write about our new grill... and i do mean the top row diamond and the bottom row gold.
tone toni tony!! hahahaha!
Sheeeit! You folks is rich, buying new grillzz. Damn, I want to get the charcoal grill on the top and a gas grill on bottom. Alison, inspiration comes from within, however, you could peruse suddenlystruttin.blogspot.com if you need. I'm making fun of Britney on there and talking about J. Timberlake. Chicks love him. OMG!!!!
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