Dear Blog,
I'm going to take this moment to blog about something other than myself! I know some of you are shocked and may be saddened, but I think at the end of the post, you will feel all warm and fuzzy inside and want to rush out to the nearest Pottery Barn Kids and buy oodles of little, cute, smooshy, baby things.
On August 23rd at 7:08 pm my BFF's Leigh and Kyle welcomed their little nugget of love into the world. His name is Miles Foster Young and seriously he might be one of the most precious babies I've ever seen in my whoooooole entire life. He is absolutely perfect. Y'all know that I'm honest and if I didn't think he was cute and perfect and absolutely wonderful I would say something like, he has both ears and all of his toes and that would be about it. He DOES have both ears and all toes but that is in addition to him being like the CUTEST little baby boy that I have ever seen.

A little bit about the parents/Ode to Leigh and Kyle. Leigh was my big sister in our oh so wonderul sorority and I truly believe that she was a God send :) Anyway, in the past seven or so years I have looked up to Leigh and her strong morals, beliefs, values, and cool haircuts ever since. I think if anyone can have a life mentor then Leigh would be mine, I look up to her and value her opinion probably more than she knows, although if she reads this blog then she will mos def know :) And now she has set the bar for having babies so incredibly high, I don't know if I will ever be able to measure up. I think being pregnant just suited her and of course she had the baby natural and with no drugs. Who does that? Oh yeah, Leigh Young. Leigh and Kyle are such great friends to me and Aaron and have been by our sides from the beginning of our our courtship all the way up to standing by our sides as we got married. We could not ask for better friends and are so thrilled with the addition of Miles to their family! We know they will be the best parents to baby Miles and we will try to be the best stand in Aunt and Uncle that we can be.
Much love to the new Young fam!

Alison the proud auntie
Congratulations to the Young's from all of us here in NYC: kate, ian and paul. I'm sure you'll be fun parents.
this is a fabulous post, alison. and the photos are lovely! i know you are excited to watch miles grow, from right next door! many congratulations and best wishes to them.
1. how is paul gonna leave a comment like that when that ain't everybody from NYC?
2. that is a cute child...he be lookin' like "whoa, I'm a cute baby...now give me things!"
3. Gilleon is sad she can no longer caress the Leigh Young Baby Bump.
4. Congratulations to the Young Family from all of us here in New York: Spurgeon and Gilleon
yay! congrats to the Youngs! Alison you seem to have gone soft on babies - maybe you and Aaron are next?? I'm still dying to throw a baby shower.
P.S. That dog looks like an Ewok lurking around in that bottom picture
not an ewok... yoda.
Gremlin!! That's what I was thinking of. He looks like a Gremlin.
Spurgeon i thought about you when i wrote that comment but i didn't want to speak for you, because i know you visit the blog and would want to say your own thing. lets not get mad....... well try not to.
paul - i'm sorry. I made it about me, and it's about the baby. Please accept my apology, and let's welcome this child into a happier more peaceful New York...
little baby young, making friends out of enemies, and he's just 4 days old
next thing we know, there will be photos of baby young at the 45th annual short shorts party
lol does nobody else think that dog looks funny except me? every time i look at that picture I just crack up. it's just his little head peeking around the chair. lol. i guess it's just me...
no no it's me too!
Oh good I'm not totally crazy. Thanks JCG!
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