Dear Blog,
I love themes! Different phases of my life have different themes and I even have themes for my outfits that I wear everyday. It's gotten to the point where I walk into the office and my boss asks what theme I'm wearing today. Just for your information, today my theme is Intellect. I'm wearing my smart glasses (shout out Tony Ritz), an oxford and smart little plaid capris that just scream "BUY ADS FROM ME BECAUSE I'M SMART!!!!!" Whether or not this works, I will have to let you know.
Anywhoodle, this all leads into my theme for this past weekend; The Reunion of Friends. So, last Friday I met up with Mate and Drew for a trip to Charleston, SC. Now Faris and I have been making weekend Charleston trips for the past 4 or 5 years and we always stay with Bebe and Buddy in Mount Pleasant. We have small rituals/indulgences that we must follow or the weekend will not be the same. This trip we invited Drew to join for no other reason than she is the shiz and we knew she'd like our ritualistic trip. Not to bore my readers, but our hostess ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS buys us chocolate milk and Sister Shubert's cinnamon rolls to eat for breakfast when we're there. I joked that the three of us would be 30 years old and Bebe would still buy us chocolate milk to drink and we still drink the whole half gallon before we left on Sunday afternoon. We love it and we always look forward to our chocolate milk drinking. Also, the theme of last weekend was; FAT. We ate a ton and just wallowed on the couch like beached whales. Oh well, these weekends only happen once a year. I had a great time with these two and am already looking forward the next one. Holla! (Pictured above from left to right, Moi, Bebe, Drew, Faris a.k.a Mate)
Normally, I'm sad when I leave Chuck town on Sunday but this time I wasn't too, too sad because I was going to have dinner with my two friends from highschool on Sunday night, JCG and Ambular! Amber and I just reunited after like 4 or 5 years of a drought and then I haven't talked to Crist (not Christ...I talk to him daily thank you very much) since hmmm..prolly 1998 when she graduated. We went to dinner and chatted over calzones. Hence the ongoing themes of Reuniting of Friends. We all got hooked up thanks to a little thing called Facebook, you might have heard of it? I'm addicted to it like Spencer Pratt is addicted to being a douchebag, sorry Hills reference.
hoorah for the name explanation! most would think you just mispelled, or that my parents were weeeeeird.
why no photo of your high school friends? poor planning.
hater-i am GOING to put up pics from my highschool friends but that requires scanning in pics. since we to highschool in the 90's we didn't have digital cameras. D-U-H.
sheyezzer, alison!
hello, that was pre-tweezer days! what the heck are you thinking?!
Alison--how many times do you think Spencer hit Heidi after the cameras stopped rolling this Monday? The look on his face while she was painting his ghetto artwork screamed domestic violence to me.
hil-ARE Meagan!! My quote of the week is "I surprised you with a beautiful mural"--Spencer Pratt.
I was so surprised that she did that, but it took freaking Elodie (what kind of name is that?) to talk some sense into her.
No clue what y'all is talking bout, but I had so much fun with my matey and drew this past weekend! Yay for fatness!
omg! I leave town for 3 days and come back to find I am way behind in the life and times of Bellafrench. yay for Drew being included in Mate Weekend 2K7! And another yay for the beach. And one final yayayayay for chocolate milk!
AAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I made the blog! I'm so excited! Smooches to you!
BTW - Are we still in a fight cause I'm going to Paris?
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